Sunday worship 10 am
Wednesday prayer 7pm
Sunday worship 10 am
Wednesday prayer 7pm
St. Augustine's Anglican Church is a member of the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA) and the Anglican Diocese of the Living Word (ADLW).
We are located northeast of Columbus in Westerville, Ohio. Our parishioners are from all over the world, but we are one in faith. Diverse in age, interests and cultures, we have this in common–we seek to love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ by loving each other and the community around us.
Faith in Action
At St. Augustine’s we endeavor to have a healthy, active relationship with God, each other and the world around us.
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We are delighted that you are interested in visiting. Read on to learn more.
Anglicanism is an expression of the Christian faith that is decidedly Protestant yet historically catholic. Anglicans are united by the authority of the Bible, the tenets of the apostolic faith and beauty of common prayer. Our worship is participatory and God-centered. We are part of a worldwide family of Christians who are responding to the love of God through the revelation of Jesus Christ and making Him known in the power of the Holy Spirit. Learn More
Our services are liturgical. This means they follow a rhythm and are responsive. The congregation participates by responding to and participating in prayer and song. We use the ACNA (2019) Book of Common Prayer in our service, but all text and responses will be on an overhead screen for everyone to see. Learn More.
At St. Augustine's Anglican you can expect to meet a friendly, open community of believers who are genuinely interested in you. Come as you are. There is no need to be fancy or get dressed up. Anglican church services are divided into two parts: the Word and the Table. Learn More.
Children are a precious heritage and gift from God. We provide Sunday school for children 4-8 years old during the sermon. Learn more.
Upcoming Events at St. Augustine's
Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...