St. Augustine's Ashland Mission

In 2024, the Rev. Adam and Emily Carrington of St. Augustine's began an outreach in Ashland, Ohio with the purpose of impacting students and the local community for Christ. They have opened their home to an increasing number of people interested in growing in their faith and learning about Anglicanism. Meeting weekly, they enjoy a family-friendly evening with food, fellowship and evening prayer. Their hope is that God would bless and grow these efforts into a new Anglican parish within the Anglican Diocese of the Living Word.

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Where is Ashland and who are the Carringtons?

Ashland county is in the northern half of our state. It is home to rich farmland, Amish communities and Ashland University which is both Adam and Emily's alma mater. Adam is an associate professor in the Political Science and Religion departments at the University and acts as a chaplain for students in the Ashbrook program. In addition to his teaching responsibilities, Rev. Carrington is developing the Faith and Society Program at the University. 

All Are Welcome

In these often-turbulent times, many people are looking for a firm foundation and a supportive community. At St. Augustine's Ashland Campus, we seek to be a welcoming fellowship of believers worshipping our Triune God in spirit and in truth. We do so according to the Anglican tradition as summed up in that church's formularies: the Thirty-Nine Articles (1571), the Book of Common Prayer (1662), and the Ordinal (1662). Please join us on Tuesdays for dinner, fellowship, and for Evening Prayer according to the 2019 Book of Common Prayer. Together, we will hear God's Word, pray, and confess our faith with an orthodox and beautiful liturgy whose roots stretch back both to the Early Church and the English Reformation.

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...