Anglican Roots

The roots of Anglicanism are in England (the land of the “Angles”) and can be traced back as early as the third century with the missionary efforts of St. Alban. Over the years Christianity in the British isles grew and underwent many changes. What we know now as Anglicanism began to emerge around the time of the Reformation. It developed over centuries and was influenced by reformers, traditionists, scholars, and commoners--men and women of God who treasured God's Word and sought to worship him sincerely.  The Three Streams of Anglicanism can give you a deeper understanding of the Anglican heritage.

The Creeds

Anglicanism is not defined by its boundaries or the things that set us apart from other Christians. Our faith is defined by a united belief in the supremacy of the Bible and adherence to the creeds (declarations) handed down from three apostolic counsels: the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed and the Athanasian Creeds. These are the anchor and summation of our faith. They are the home-base for living a Christian life. 

In addition, we support the Fundamental Declarations of the Province from the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) as written in the 2019 Book of Common Prayer. 

Anglican Worship

Anglican worship recognizes the supremacy of the Bible and is most often expressed through use of the Book of Common Prayer. This book is a collection of Scriptures arranged for church services, united (common) prayer and personal devotion. Our church services are liturgical which means we follow a certain form for words and actions.

Anglican liturgy is active and participatory. It is God-centered, not man-centered. It functions to unite everyone in worship and culminates in the celebration of the Eucharist or Holy Communion.